According to its Mission Statement, 亚博体育以基督为中心, urban, 文理大学致力于为来自不同背景的学生提供教育,使他们在不断变化的世界中积极参与. 亚博体育的通识教育核心课程通过在城市基督教背景下为学生提供基础广泛的教育来支持这一使命宣言.


通识教育核心包括四个主题和15个具体课程要求,概述如下. 被确定为与亚博体育课程相当或平行的转学课程将适用于通识教育核心要求. 为了满足核心要求,转学必须至少有2个学期的学分.


Total Credits for Core

主修课程或辅修课程都可以用来满足核心要求. However, 每个学生必须完成总共30学分的通识教育核心课程,这些课程与主修或辅修课程分开. 完成所有特定课程要求,但缺少30个非重复通识教育核心课程总学分的学生,可以从任何核心领域中选择额外的核心课程选项.


Exploration of Spiritual Journey

Take one course from the following:

  • rel220基督徒属灵的培育
  • REL 320灵性,品格和服务


Foundations of Christian Faith

Take the following course:

  • BI 151 The Bible as Sacred Story

Healthy Lifestyle

Take one of the following courses:

  • HE 150 Personal Health and Fitness
  • HE 210 Stress Management
  • NURS 336健康评估和促进(只适用于BSN学生)
  • PSY 441 Stress, Trauma, & Self-Care

进入WPU的大一或大二学生(少于60个学期学分)将参加 both 基督教信仰的基础要求 and the Healthy Lifestyle requirement.

进入WPU的大三或大四学生(60个学期学分或以上)可以选择 either 基督教信仰的基础要求 or the Healthy Lifestyle requirement.


Take one course from the following:

  • BUS 290 Ethics, Social Issues, & Responsibility
  • HUM 200 Ethics in Practice
  • PHIL 300 Ethics
  • SRM/PHIL 380 Sports Ethics
  • SW 200 Exploring Social Work
  • TH 310 Christian Ethics


Appreciation of Diversity
Articulate the value of diverse voices and perspectives; explain the impact of global interdependency on social and cultural systems.

Take one course from the following:
ED 353 Cultural Diversity
HE 340 Current Health Issues
REL/SOC 310 Religions of the World
SOC 340 Race & Ethnic Relations
SRM 260 Sociology in Sport
SS/SW 485 Human Trafficking


Urban Life
Articulate how human behavior interacts with social organizations and cultural patterns; identify the opportunities and challenges of urban life.

Take one course from the following:
BIO 216 Urban Ecology & Ecosystem Services
CJ 310 The American Legal System
ENV 450 Urban Resources & Sustainability
PS 140 Intro to Politics & American Government
SE 311城市背景下的企业家领导
SOC 140 Principles of Sociology
SOC/PS 345 Social Problems & Public Policy
SOC 350 Social Psychology
SOC 360 Urban Sociology
SRM 340 Sports Psychology
URB 160 FYLC Topics


Written Communication (2 courses)

  •  Take EN 111 English Composition I
  •  Take EN 112 English Composition II


  • 参加ILR 300高级信息素养与研究


Interdisciplinary Thinking

  • 参加HUM 310探索人类状况


Information Technology

Take one course from the following:

  • BUS 223 Microsoft Office简介
  • cmp100计算机信息素养
  • 数字媒体概论
  • COMM 265网页设计导论
  • ed240教育技术在课堂中的整合
  • MA 242 Introduction to Statistics

Scientific Reasoning

Take one course from the following:

  • BIO 121 Intro to Anatomy & Physiology
  • BIO 211 General Biology I
  • BIO 212 General Biology II
  • BIO 215/315马勒自然历史研究
  • BIO 221 Human Anatomy & Physiology I
  • CHEM 111 Intro to Chemistry
  • CHEM 211 General Chemistry I
  • 环境科学概论
  • PHS 101 Intro to Physical Science
  • PHS 230 Geology

Quantitative Reasoning

Take one course from the following:

  • MA 104 Math for Liberal Arts
  • MA 111 College Algebra
  • MA 115 Precalculus
  • MA 211基础数学1
  • MA 242 Introduction to Statistics
  • SAT数学成绩达到650+或ACT数学成绩达到28+

Articulate the historical and/or cultural context of a particular art form; express yourself through one or more artistic medium; explain the value of historical context.


  • 艺术120摄影入门
  • ART 250/350 History of Art
  • EN 249/349 Understand Film & Its Forms
  • EN 215/315 Global Literature
  • MUS 115/315 Wind Ensemble
  • REL/HIS 330 Church History I
  • REL/HIS 370 Church History II
  • PSY 401 History & Systems of Psychology

Model civil discourse through purposeful dialogue and/or presentations; apply problem-solving techniques; utilize critical thinking to assess information; demonstrate strategies required to create and execute a plan.

Take one course from the following:

  • BUS 261 Org Writing & Presentations
  • BUS 310 Management Theory & Practice
  • BUS 321 Organizational Behavior & Design
  • CJ 455 Restorative Justice
  • COMM 200人际沟通
  • COMM 220 Public Speaking
  • 跨文化交际
  • EC 203 Economics
  • ED 281课程规划与教师的角色
  • MKTG 242 Marketing
  • PSY 392/492 Internship
  • SS/BUS 380 Conflict Resolution
  • TH/SOC 370社区参与:社会变革的工具

See all programs